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Simon, J. (2012): Neue Untersuchungsergebnisse zum Aalbesatz in Seen. Der Märkische Fischer Nr. 2, S. 40
Simon, J. (2012): Neue Untersuchungsergebnisse zum Aalbesatz in Seen. Fischer & Teichwirt, Bd. 63, S. 178
Müller-Belecke, A. (2012): Product quality issues in small-scale aquaculture in Germany. Aquaculture Forum Bremerhaven, Workshop II “Aquaculture Product Quality and Consumer Demands”, Bremerhaven, 15.-16.10.2012
Brämick, U.: Situation des Aals in Norddeutschland. DAV Umwelttagung im Umweltbundesamt, 13.10.2012, Dessau.
Rümmler, F. (2012): Stand und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten der Forellenproduktion in Brandenburg. Der Märkische Fischer Nr. 3, S. 41 - 42
Simon, J. u. Brämick, U. (2012): Survival and growth of European eels stocked as glass and farm sourced eels in lakes during the first years after stocking. 6th World Fisheries Congress. 7. - 11.05.2012, Edinburgh, Schottland; Electronic Poster
The “Self cleaning Inherent gas moving bed Denitrification reactor” and its application in a recirculation aquaculture system for pike perch (Sander lucioperca). Aqua2012 Prague, 01.-05.09.2012, Abstract Book, S. 758
Müller-Belecke, A., Spranger, U. (2012): The “Self cleaning Inherent gas moving bed Denitrification reactor” and its application in a recirculation aquaculture system for pike perch (Sander lucioperca).Vortrag Aqua2012, Prag, 1.-5.9.12
Kaufhold, S., Zienert, S., Thürmer, C., Müller-Belecke, A. (2012): The production of whitefish Coregonus spp. in small scale pond-in-pond systems as an alternative for classic aquaculture in carp ponds of Western Europe? Aqua2012 Prague, 01.-05.09.2012, Abstract Book, S. 760
Kaufhold, S., Zienert, S., Thürmer, C., Müller-Belecke, A. (2012): The production of whitefish Coregonus spp. in small scale pond-in-pond systems as an alternative for classic aquaculture in carp ponds of Western Europe? Vortrag Aqua2012, Prag, 1.-5.9.12
Kaufhold, S., Zienert, S., Thürmer, C. u. Müller-Belecke, A.: The production of whitefish Coregonus spp. in small scale pond-in-pond systems as an alternative for classic aquaculture in carp ponds of Western Europe? Aqua2012, 01. - 05.09.2012, Prag.
Jůza, T., Frouzová, J., Brämick, U., Draštík, V., Mrkvička, T. u. Kubečka, J. (2012): The vertical distribution of fish in the open water area of a deep temperate mesotrophic lake assessed by hydroacoustics and midwater trawling. International Review of Hydrobiology, 97, 509 - 525
Müller-Belecke, A., Zienert, S. (2012): Training approaches in percid cultivation: The pike perch workshop at the Institute of Inland Fisheries Potsdam-Sacrow. Vortrag EPFC-Workshop Aqua2012, Prag, 1.-5.9.12
Brämick, U. (2012): Umsetzung der Aalmanagementpläne in deutschen Flussgebieten und aktuelle Entwicklungen in Europa. Deutscher Fischereitag, 30.8.2012, Papenburg und Fischereitag des Landesfischereiverbandes Brandenburg/Berlin, 18.9.2012, Seddin.
Rümmler, F. u. Winkelmann, S. (2012): Untersuchungen in einer teilgeschlossenen Kreislaufanlage. Fischer & Teichwirt, Bd. 63, S. 128 - 131
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