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Pietrock, M. (2017): Monitoring of fish across borders based on European standard protocol EN 14757 for sampling of fish in lakes. Erstellt im Auftrag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), 17.01.2017
Pietrock, M. (2017): Montenegrin Fishery on Lake Shkodra/Skadar. Erstellt im Auftrag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), 23.10.2017
Simon, J.: Neue Erkenntnisse & Empfehlungen beim Aalbesatz. Informations- und Weiterbildungsveranstaltung für Angler des VDSF-Landesanglerverbandes Sachsen - Anhalt e.V., 11.02.2017, Bördeaue OT Unseburg
Brämick, U.: Neues aus dem Leben des Europäischen Aals. Delegiertenkonferenz des VDSF des Landes Sachsen - Anhalt, 22.04.2017, Stassfurt
Brämick, U.: News on Eel Biology. CSBL Workshop “Management of European eel under EU Regulation”, 09. - 10.11.2017, Podgorica (Montenegro)
On the actual recruitment of European eel in the River Ems, Germany. 1st UK International Eel Science Symposium, ZSL London Zoo, 13. -15.06.2017, London
Dieckmann, M. u. Simon, J.: On the actual recruitment of European eel in the River Ems, Germany. 1st UK International Eel Science Symposium, ZSL London Zoo, 13. - 15.06.2017, London
Raine, J.C., Pietrock, M., Willner, K., Chung, K., Turcotte, D. u. Parrott, J. L. (2017): Parasitological analysis and gill histopathology of pearl dace (Semotilus margarita) and brook stickleback (Culaea inconstans) collected from the Athabasca oil sands area (Canada). Bulletin Of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 98: 733 - 739
Pedersen, P.B., von Ahnen, M., Fernandes, P., Naas, C., Pedersen, L. F. u. Dalsgaard, J. (2017): Particle surface area and bacterial activity in recirculating aquaculture systems. In: Aquacultural Engineering 78: 18 - 23
Pietrock, M.: Population dynamics of fishes. CSBL Workshop „Fish biology and sustainable fisheries”, 22.08.2017, Podgorica (Montenegro)
Pietrock, M.: Principles of fish stock management. CSBL Workshop „Fisheries legislation”, 26. - 28.02.2017, Shiroke (Albanien).
Müller-Belecke, A.: Reproduction and Applied Genetics in Fish. CSBL Workshop “Fish Reproduction Applied Genetics and Planning of Recirculation Aquaculture Systems”, 20.06.2017, Tirana (Albanien)
Poikane, S., Ritterbusch, D., Argillier, C., Białokoz, W., Blabolil, P., Breine, J., Jaarsma, N. G., Krause, T., Kubečka, J., Lauridsen, T. L., Nõges, P., Peirson, G. u. Virbickas, T. (2017): Response of fish communities to multiple pressures: Development of a total anthropogenic pressure intensity index. Science of the total Environment, 586: 502 - 511. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ;
Simon, J. u. Fladung, E.: Stock monitoring and data collection. Part I. CSBL Workshop “Management of European eel under EU Regulation”, 09. - 10.11.2017, Podgorica (Montenegro)
Simon, J. u. Fladung, E.: Stock monitoring and data collection. Part I. CSBL Workshop “Management of European eel under EU Regulation”, 09. - 10.11.2017, Podgorica (Montenegro)
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